Summer Day Camp

June 23, 2025
Health & Wellness Consultation
Available to all members ages 10+. This service is a detailed discussion and overview of the clients’ medical & injury history with the completion of a PAR-Q; general lifestyle choices as they relate to health & wellness; and a goal assessment. From there, the trainer conducting the consultation will make recommendations to the client on the best course of action that the Y can offer through group fitness, aquatics, personal training, EGYM, etc.
Equipment Orientation
Available to all members ages 14+. During registration, the members will answer a few questions regarding which type of fitness equipment they would like to be educated on. This free 45-minute orientation is focused on proper setup, safety, and usage of equipment in the cardio room, Synergy180, lower-level fitness area, HIIT Zone, and free weight area. It is educational and focused on equipment. It is not a personal training session and cannot be used to design a workout, learn new exercises, or receive detailed training advice.
Youth Passport – Fitness
Available to youth members ages 10 through 13. Required for usage of the cardio room and lower-level fitness area. Ages 10 & 11 must also be accompanied by an adult or guardian (18+) within arm’s length when using the facility. A complimentary color-coded wristband will be provided upon completion of the orientation. Members may exchange their 10/11 wristband for a 12/13 wristband on their 12th birthday, free of charge. Any replacement for a lost wristband will cost $10.